MCC History – Tinderbox

MCC History - Tinderbox
MCC History - Tinderbox

MCC History – Tinderbox | Free Pride Event 🏳️‍🌈

This week’s RMCC Pride free event is the six-actor dramatic adaptation of Tinderbox. It is after church, Sunday, June 18, 3pm at Spring Street Studios, 1824 Spring Street, Houston, TX 77007. The actors will bring to life a portion of our MCC history. The Upstairs Lounge was the after-church hangout for New Orleans MCC. Many congregants, including the pastor, were there when the Upstairs Lounge was fire-bombed. Historically, 50 years ago, this occurred at a time when family members wouldn’t identify their LGBT kin, and churches wouldn’t open their doors for funerals for queer people. But we will remember. I’ve seen the production twice and highly recommend it. I hope you will see it.

Last Sunday, our church treasurer, Doug Perkins, shared his journey with Resurrection and generosity on Sunday and invited us to join in online recurring giving for Sharing Our Pride. He shared also about giving time and prayers as he let us know we are behind on our anticipated gifts and with everyone helping, we can catch up! You can catch the whole service HERE.

All our Resurrection Family was also asked to pray specifically for the work and success of our Pastoral Search Committee.  Together, we read aloud our congregational covenant:

We, the members, and friends of Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church, understand the vital importance of the work being done by the Pastoral Search Committee and we pledge the following to assist and empower their mission:

We will:

  • Pray regularly for the members of the Pastoral Search Committee, the Board of Directors, and the staff.
  • Pray for the Pastoral Search Committee for grace, collegiality, efficiency, and effectiveness in its weekly meetings.
  • Pray that God will make clear to the Pastoral Search Committee the needs of the congregation to guide their search process.
  • Pray that God continues to empower us, the body of Christ, to be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ.
  • Pray for the Senior Pastor whom God is preparing to be our next spiritual leader.
  • Pray for those who are struggling with the uncertainty of waiting until our next Senior Pastor is revealed and in place.
  • Pray that God will open our hearts and minds to the concept that change is the only constant.
  • Understand that the very process of the Pastoral Search Committee requires confidentiality to protect the identity and the ministry of the candidates.
  • Honor the integrity and the confidentiality that the members of the Pastoral Search Committee must observe in service to the congregation.
  • Pray for God to continue to meet our needs and guide us into service throughout this transition.

Join us to learn more of our story. Join us in generosity. Join us in prayer.

Rev. Troy

Rev. Elder Troy Treash

Senior Pastor

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