How Are We Guided By the Spirit? 🕊️

How Are We Guided By the Spirit
What does it mean to be guided by the Spirit, especially in troubling times?

For me, I like to think of being guided by the Spirit as assurance that I am loved so much that I receive in my heart an open and intimate invitation to connect with the Spirit of God. My desire is for the Holy Spirit to lead me in a direction closer and closer to what is good and holy. My anxious mind finds peace, and my breathing slows to a relaxed pace in the moment that I feel God’s presence within me. These past few weeks, I have felt what I believe to be the Spirit moving in and around Resurrection MCC. I invite you to tune into the Spirit too so that you may feel the presence of the holy each and every day.

Watch last Sunday’s message HERE

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Rev. Denise Junious
Associate Pastor
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