Genesis story!

Genesis story!
Genesis story! Who is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I have felt so welcomed by the Resurrection MCC community! While I’m still settling in and learning names, I’m already impressed by how passionate you are about the ministry of Resurrection MCC.

This coming Sunday, the scripture readings are of God setting a (rain)bow in the sky as a promise to Noah and his descendants and of Jesus sleeping through a storm until being awakened by the disciples and calming the surrounding storm. Certainly, God was giving humankind a fresh start in the Genesis story! And the disciples are amazed that Jesus can command the storm to be still: “Who is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?”

When we are overwhelmed by the storms of life, we might know that we need a reset, a fresh start. What could that look like for you?

I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!

If you missed last weeks wonderful service Weaving a New Creation: Very Good! You can experience the spiritual journey HERE.

Pastor Candace
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