Have you made Resurrection MCC your family?


“Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?” 

That’s what I would ask folk as I passed out “salvation tracts”. Tracts were little cartoon story booklets we used to help spread the word of Jesus Christ. This activity was just one of many that the kids were expected to participate in, to “build the kingdom of God”.

Although my theology around much that was taught to me at that time has changed and/or evolved, I remember that time in my life fondly. It was a journey that helped form me and lead me to where I am today, at Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC). This is a place where God is good…AND all the time! I’m so glad I found this church.

My parents have been members of their church for over 50 years. This is the church I grew up in. I often wondered what made them remain there for so long. Being at RMCC helped me answer that question. Family! They created family there.

Like my parents, I’ve created family at RMCC. The location doesn’t matter. I’m good as long as I have my family with me.

Thanks for being my family.

Watch last week’s sermon HERE.

Read full newsletter HERE

Cassandra White
Director of Worship
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