Love Lights the Way

Love Lights the Way
“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

-From The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman

The period between Halloween and Thanksgiving has always been a time full of promise for me. Where I grew up, in the New York City area, November arrived with crisp Autumn breezes. By the end of the month, the air was chilly and we were in our Winter coats. Here in Houston, we simply hope that the November temperatures will drop down to slightly more comfortable levels as we mark the change of the seasons. 

This time is about coming full circle, as we do each year. In our church community at Resurrection MCC, we held our Annual Congregational Meeting last Sunday. We elected new Board of Directors members and Lay Delegates. We read reports from different ministries and voted on a new budget. We let go of the old and made plans for the new year. Soon we will prepare for our Thanksgiving meal, to be followed (on December 3) by the first Sunday of Advent, marking the beginning of a new liturgical year.

As the days grow shorter, we are moving toward a season of light. Think of Advent candles, the star of Bethlehem, candles lighting the sanctuary on Christmas Eve as the congregation sings “Silent Night.” It is easy to get caught up in the frantic, non-stop activity of the holiday season and to miss out on the opportunity to reflect and savor the change that is in the air. The traditions and rituals of the holiday season, at their best, are ways to strengthen us, to reinforce our bonds of family, friendship and community. At the same time, the holiday season can be painful for many of our friends who are dealing with isolation, health issues, difficult family situations, and all kinds of other problems. We live in difficult times.

Every day we hear about suffering in the world. We deal with challenges in our personal lives. Right now, I find comfort and inspiration in the MCC vision of “transforming ourselves as we transform the world.” This work of transformation requires us to dig deep, to seek the source of strength and light within each of us. My prayer for us is that we learn to be brave enough to embrace the light of love that is always there – and to share it with the world. 

Watch last week’s service Weaving A New Creation – Hate Tries, Love Wins HERE

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Cathleen Sheil-Hopper
Board of Directors
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