Never Too Late!

Never Too Late! Matthew’s Gospel and the call of God to Abraham

I am so excited to let you know that we will be returning to serving communion as we did before September, with one change. We will serve you the bread (wafer) in your hand and ask you to dip the wafer into the chalice and then commune. We will pray with you after you commune. Individual communion cups will be available if you choose to receive in that manner. We also continue to encourage you to wear a mask if you so desire. 

Sunday’s scriptures are the Great Commission from Matthew’s Gospel and the call of God to Abram (Abraham) to leave his home country and travel to a land that God would give him and his family. If you think you are too young, or too old, or too whatever. Follow God’s call in your life, and if you need encouragement, you’ve got to be in church (or join us online) this Sunday.

I look forward to worshipping with you!

If you missed last weeks wonderful service Weaving a New Creation: A Fresh Start! You can experience the spiritual journey HERE.

Pastor Candace
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